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(Adorable pic below of a mama and twin sisters being tested!)

"My son and I have been seeing LaKrista with Native Wellness for 6 weeks. I have suffered with lots of women issues including night sweats, chills, not being able to rest or sleep, endometriosis, and cysts in different areas of my body due to hormonal inbalance. I have also had pain along with numbness in my left leg and foot (from my hip to my toes) every day 24/7 for over three years. I was told by doctors that I had nerve damage. For the last 4 weeks I have experienced very little to no pain and no numbness. I no longer have night sweats nor chills and I am getting much more rest at night. My son is on supplements for sever asthma and allergies. He has battled these along with croop his whole life. However, in the school year 2016-2017 he had croop for 1-2 weeks every month and sometimes he would get it 2 times in a 4-5 week span. This meant he was on steroids every month and he was taking breathing treatments around the clock. We finally was referred out to a pulmonologist in OKC and things started looking good for awhile. Then this fall my son's health went down hill again. His lungs were weak and he was geting croop and upper respiratory infections. We saw his pulmonologist 2 weeks ago and he said his lungs are stronger than they ever have been. We were able to decrease my son's breathing treatment medicine. As of now he does not need any breathing treatments dulera inhaler dosage amount has been cut in half. We are very thankful for LaKrista and the supplemental program we are on." - Client 


"7 1/2 years of battling breast cancer! Fatigue, chronic nausea, bone pain… I was hopeless! I decided to take the natural path. LaKrista turned my entire world around! I have increased energy, no nausea and less bone pain. The best part came today! I have seen my oncologist every 6 months for years! I have sat and watched other Survivors drop to yearly appointments soon after chemo. That was never an option for me until today! Today I was told my labs are perfect! The best labs they have seen from me in the past 5.5 years!!! Not only did she cure my daily symptoms- but now I only have to see my oncologist yearly for checkups! Natural “medicine” healed me while traditional medicine kept me sick." - Taryn, Client

"4 years, 5 miscarriages, 2 Dr's, & 2 Specialists... Then 9 months of Holistic Medicine. Doctor after Doctor, the people who are supposed to specialize in this stuff. I was told everything was normal, there was no reason for my miscarriages, but I knew it was not normal & something was wrong with my body. I decided to do what I thought was my 'last option'. I started Holistic Medicine! Man was I wrong to think it was the last option. It has been a very interesting journey, but it obviously works, because my body wasn't. They utilize the natural things God put on this earth for a reason. Why wouldn't it work? Why is it made out to be some crazy option? God literally designed us to work a certain way! I've seen nothing but proof and my life has fully been changed! A year ago I decided to fight for myself & my body, and my miracle baby is due Feb 2023!" - Leah Stiles, Client

"If you don't think Auto Immune cant destroy someone well you are wrong. Last July I got strep throat & it sent my Psoriasis into something I never thought could happen. Imagine Graduating as an Esthetician & this happening while opening a new Business & trying to bring in Clientele to trust me with their skin when this was mine! When I say this mentally has been the worst struggle of my life I mean it. It's hard for me to put myself out here like this & those closest to me know how hard this has been. My amazing Husband, Kids, & Parents have been there for me every step of the way & I am so so thankful for them! So if you seen me in pants all last summer at my kids School events this was why. I promise I wasn't at XC meets in black leggings for the fun of it! The looks I would get from other adults & kids was somedays too much & I just wouldn't function with my family which brought on so much guilt. I simply didn't want to function outside of my house at all & the pain that come with all of this was just as worse. Today I am 1000% better both physically & mentally. If you stand in front of me & tell me Holistic Health 

doesn't work & isn't real l'm sorry but I will tell you to expand your knowledge a little bit! Amber at Native Wellness in Sulphur has done nothing short of save me in so many ways. I have followed her guidance & instructions on what to do to treat my body & the results speak for themselves!! I am no way talking down on any other Professionals in the Medical Field but over the past 6+ years where Steroids, Creams, & even forms Chemotherapy didn't heal or even help me she has in less than 5 months time!

Below is a comparison of my legs. 1st picture is after finishing 2 rounds of Oral Chemotherapy which helped me none & this continued to completely cover my whole body from my shoulders down. 2nd picture was yesterday & speaks for itself! So if you see me bragging & talking about Holistic Health on my own

Business Page this is why. My own personal experience of how it continues to heal me!"

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Your skin is one of the biggest alarms your body sets off to tell you something is wrong on the inside! Acne, Eczema, Rashes, psoriasis… all indicators of something internal! Topical Creams only treat symptoms…We look for root causes! Check out Kennedy’s Before & After! After working on her body’s drainage system, bonding & flushing out toxins & targeting parasites… Just Beautiful

"Over 2 years ago I was told I needed to start trying for a baby if I ever wanted a chance to have one because of health issues. So that's what we did. About 8 months into trying with no success we sought out a specialist. Test after test, everything came back normal and I was diagnosed with 'unexplained infertility'. (Which by the way make no sense) I was told to go home and try again for 6 months and if no success, come back. There was nothing more they could do for me. After a year 1 1/2 yrs of trying to get pregnant and many many prayers later, I decided to turn to what I honestly thought was going to be a last ditch effort. I went the holistic approach. I went to see Native Wellness....  After going completely natural, choosing to stop my meds, & using things God put on this earth to heal our bodies I FINALLY GOT PREGNANT! Thank you Jesus!!! And not only did I get pregnant, my thyroid levels got back into normal range! I could go on & on about the success I've had with holistic health & the whole team at Native Wellness, but as I sit here holding my perfect miracle baby, the only thing I can say is THANK YOU!! Thank you for believing there was an answer to my problems! I say this with hope it can help even 1 person. We don't need to think of holistic medicine as a last resort! Thank you for helping me heal my body & making my dream come true!" - Logan Wells, Client

"I started seeing Lakrista to address my severe R.A. I went from not being able to walk to running around all day! I'm not exaggerating! Knowing the magic Lakrista performs, I decided to ask her about my 4 year olds sudden stutter. She mentioned possible heavy metal overload. She recommended touchstone essentials protocol. Within a couple of weeks, I saw a huge improvement. Now, a couple of months later his stutter is almost non-existent. Speech therapist, family, teachers, and friends have all noticed a huge improvement. I'm convinced there's nothing Lakrista can't fix! She's been a blessing to me and my family. She's truly doing God's work!" -Trish M., Client

"We started seeing LaKrista when Riley was 3, now she is 10. After an ER visit and antibiotics did nothing to help her keep food & drinks down. After 10 days of 101 degree temperature, 2 doses of LaKrista's recommendations and Riley was back to herself. She had a spleen issue. Regular medical care would have

never caught that until much later"

- Kimberley Grant, Client

Noah was diagnosed with level 1 Autism. His mom started bringing him to Native Wellness just over a year ago. Watching this cutie go from basically non-verbal & completely resistant to any interaction with our staff to talking, playing, interacting during testing & being affectionate towards his mom has been amazing! We’re so happy to see his improvement!

“On April 11th of 2021 I had an ATV accident where I fractured my back, and was in bed for a month. During this time, I ended up with a lot of pain on my right side of my stomach, with this we ended up going to the E.R. because it ended up getting so bad. With this, I had found out that I had cysts on my right ovary, along with my ovary twisting at the same time. I also got told by my multiple doctors that I needed to go on medication and that i had PCOS. Listening to what they said, because I didn’t know what else to do; I went on the medication, and it ended up making it worse for me. I lived with the pain, and hurting for about 9 months and after that I went to Native Wellness to see Amber Dillon who is an Integrative Health Practitioner on February 2nd of 2022. While going to see her, she muscle tested me and discovered that I have Lyme’s Disease. My hormones were crazy, my whole life was just stress, and I had feelings of depression and anxiety all the time. This February of 2023 has officially marked a year of me seeing her, and getting the help I needed. My hormones are back to normal, I have more energy, and can actually function throughout the day and get out of bed. My anxiety and depression isn’t there anymore as well. With this, I want to say that this summer I will be working hard to get my certification to be an Integrative Health Practitioner, where I will pursue my passion for helping people discover the true cause of their illnesses and pain.

I am sharing this story as a way to inspire women or men that are going through the same thing. I know God led me here, and he has saved me from so much pain and hurt. If it weren’t for him leading me to Native Wellness then I would still be going down the same path I was in with all of the pain. I want you guys to know that there is a way, God’s got this, and there are people that are there for you. You are not alone in your battle.” - Gracie Will, Client


Thank you Mary for your testimony!

Pauline gives a great example of how Holistic Medicine deals with cardiovascular disease!

For the last few years, my daughters have been battling several autoimmune diseases upon other life threatening medical issues, including some that we have been told are incurable. When prescription medications have not been an option and when those that were an option had failed, we knew we needed to look for solutions through natural

and holistic approaches. We prayed long and hard for God to help us, guide us, and to give us hope and peace. He has done that through

LaKrista O'Dell at Native Wellness. Her knowledge, expertise, and devotion has been a total game changer. She has gone above and beyond to research what would help our girls. I am happy to say that for once I have hope that my daughters will continue to get better. 

Even though their medical diagnoses has not changed, we can see alot of positive physical changes. They have been making progress and are no longer regressing. We are so thankful for God guiding us to LaKrista, and we hope that we can share more positive outcomes in the future. - Rebekah Morgan, Client

“My little artist. This little boy colored 99% of this by himself. I helped with the blue sky cause his hand was getting tired . I’ve never seen a 4 year old so obsessed with staying in the lines! All his wonderful daycare teachers have played a huge role In that, plus his difficult set in his ways personality  we have had our fair share of struggles with Luke and his issues. We have definitely made progress but it’s crazy how a kids can excel so well and be so smart in some ways and be so behind and difficult in others. We are just now getting to the point I am actually comfortable taking him into public and into a restaurant. We have always done it but limited it and comfortable is the key word. He’s been able to handle noises better, and actually will put on socks and pants. Thank the Lord just in time for winter. I have had the comments, the remarks, and suggestions that he just needs his butt whopped. Everything I should be doing and everything I am doing wrong. Which I am a spanking momma. It’s heartbreaking to see other kids around you just enjoying themselves being kids along with the momma and yours is melting down over EVERYTHING and seems to enjoy nothing. Hang in there mommas if you're struggling, they all blossom differently and at different times. Do what you can to help them but mostly importantly give them and yourselves grace, easier said than done.I also have to give big credit for our progress, and strides we made. We wouldn’t be here without Lakrista O’Dell with Native Wellness . We have been working on supplementing and detoxing with her for a couple years. She is a Godsend!!”

- Ginger Vasquez, Client


"After 11 years of battling autoimmune disease & multiple spinal fusion surgeries, I was fed up with western medicine. I seemed to get new prescriptions added all the time, while getting sicker and having more side effects. I knew my body's systems were starting to shut down. My bloodwork indicated everything from chronic inflammation to kidney issues. I was beginning to have heart issues and severe stomach issues, not to mention the pain I lived with daily. I knew a few people personally who had great success with healing at Native Wellness, so I decided to give it a try as a last resort. I saw Amber at Native Wellness and she did a full body scan with muscle testing. She started me on a protocol for Lyme Disease. Within 6 months, I had stopped 13 prescriptions and all my bloodwork at the rheumatologist was normal for the first time in over 6 years! I stopped biologics, 2 blood pressure medicines, steroids, stomach meds, pain meds, allergy meds, eye drops, Ibuprofen, and more! By identifying my root cause, we were able to stop my immune system from attacking my healthy tissues, which in my case was my joints. The lyme bacteria that has been harboring there for years is on the way out! I've started sleeping through the night, stopped having constant nausea & stomach issues, stopped grinding my teeth, had so much more energy, and reduced my pain significantly! My rheumatologist declared me in remission, and now refers other people to Native Wellness! Thinking Native Wellness was a last resort was so wrong! If I could give any advice, it would be to make it your FIRST RESORT! They have literally saved my life!" -Stachia Hunt, Client

Nutrition response testing has changed my life. I have always dealt with headaches. I assumed they were hormonal because of when I would get them. After having my first kid they went away for a few years, but 2 years after having my second child they started coming back. They also were increasing in frequency. I was getting a headache every week about the same time and they would last a few days. In December 2020 I made an appointment with LaKrista and a month later I had my last headache!! It's been 3 weeks!! I am so so grateful!! I found LaKrista through my son's nutrition response practitioner. We needed someone closer to us, but she healed my son's bowel issues!

- Kayla Bailey, Client

When I first walked into LaKrista's office, allergies and sinus issues were out of control. No amount or endless combinations of over-the-counter meds seemed to touch it. And let's be honest, that's only managing symptoms. It's not resolving the root of the problem! LaKrista was able to identify and treat the matter causing the symptoms - organs that I had not even considered could be crying out for help through allergy/sinus issues! But it made sense and she was able to make a massive difference in my life because of it. I'm incredibly thankful for LaKrista and her knowledge of nutrition response testing.

- Allie Stone, Client

Our family HIGHLY recommends LaKrista for all your health needs. She has helped our family when traditional medicine failed us. She helps heal, restore, and prevent health declines. One of the biggest testimonies we have is our little man. A couple of years ago, he had horrible diarrhea for over 2 months. The doctors did every test you can imagine and finally said he is healthy, just don't worry about it. As a mom and nurse, I know that isn't normal. He couldn't even go to daycare because it was so bad. I finally wised up and had LaKrista test him. She identified the issue quickly and had a treatment plan mapped out. Within 12 hours symptoms had improved. Within 2 days they had completely resolved. She did in 3 days what traditional medicine couldn't accomplish in over 2 months.

-Amber Ball, Client

This is Memphis! He is autistic. He did his 1st foot detox this week (while his Pokémon had a sauna )! He has been on a program at Native Wellness for 1 month now & his family says he started feeding himself & has less tantrums that are less severe! We can not wait to see where he is at the 6 month mark! Singing HIS praise for this testimonial!


-Memphis, Client

Did you know parasites can interrupt your sleep? After completing a kid friendly parasite cleanse, cowboy Kole is able sleep through the night!

Great work cowboy! Now you’ll be well rested for all your upcoming adventures. Thank you Kelsey & Kyle for sharing your experience with Nutrition Response Testing in efforts to raise awareness on this very common, but rarely spoken on topic. - Kole, Youth Client

My journey at Native Wellness, began in the Summer of 2022. I had been dealing with Chronic Lyme Disease & co-infections for over a decade. At the time, my Lyme Dr. had retired. I found another doctor in Houston, but his treatment was mostly a traditional approach for Lyme. My journey with him was short lived so I was once again looking for a more gentle, natural, homeopathic treatment approach which lead me to Native Wellness. When I found Native Wellness, I was in pretty bad shape…I was grossly fatigued, weak, cognitively foggy, struggling with memory issues and depression, and my tremors & seizures were anything but under control. I was in bad shape. After approximately 9-10 months (check that timeline), I was starting to improve dramatically in all areas. All of my symptoms were greatly improved, and the frequency of seizures & tremors dropped tremendously! I began feeling like I had a life again....  If you haven’t had success with traditional medicine, and are looking for a completely different experience and wholistic approach on your health journey, I would highly recommend Native Wellness. - Lyme Testimonial, Terri, Client

"For those of us who have battled to rebuild our health, we know that road can be arduous and long. That has certainly been the case for me. Throughout my 20s and early 30s I experienced countless extended hospital stays due to severe respiratory and cardiac complications. It seemed no matter what bug made its way through, my body was determined to prove I could be amongst the worst case scenarios. It became nearly impossible for me to even imagine being truly healthy and thriving. Then I married and became a wife and step-mom to 3 incredible children. I found a whole new level of motivation to become the healthiest and strongest version of myself so I could show up for my family. This is where Amber entered the story. She was able to determine that many of my ongoing “mystery” symptoms were the result of Lyme’s disease. While this process has not been a straight line, we have seen so much growth and improvement in these past two years. Because of her I no longer feel like I’m walking around in the dark hoping to stumble on a solution. I’m no longer “throwing spaghetti on the wall” and hoping something will stick. Amber has developed a plan tailored to my body, my responses, and even my finances. She constantly goes the extra mile and I have seen her commitment to my health. This job isn’t just about a paycheck for her…it’s a calling. She is determined and persistent. And I’m seeing results! The last 3 out of 4 times someone in my family has gotten sick, I haven’t had a single symptom! The one time I did get sick, my symptoms were less severe than everyone else’s. This of UNHEARD of in my history. It used to take me 3 times longer than everyone else to recover. We haven’t reached our goals yet but I can tell you that I am consistently seeing progress and for the first time in my life I am confident better days are ahead and I do not need to fear the future. 40…here I come!!!" -Client

If you haven’t watched Alesha’s Testimony yet, it’s definitely worth the watch!

"I’ve yet to speak out about any of this but i feel that i’m finally ready to.

i’m typically pretty private about things but i know that speaking about

struggles can be a huge part of the healing process. so buckle up for

a novel, if you’d like.  I’ve been dealing with health issues for the past two

years, mostly the last 12 months, and only my close circle has known

about it. it started with a kidney stone in fall of 2019 that i took heavy

amounts of narcotics for for ten days which wrecked my gut. i battled

GI symptoms for about a year after that before they did a colonoscopy

in january of 2021. but it was clean. no answers. 

march 1st of 2021 i got diagnosed with and had surgery for endometriosis.

two weeks post surgery i started to have an array of excruciating symptoms.

everything from chest pain, full body numbness and tingling, tinnitus, muscle

spasms and shortness of breath to migraines, joint pain, brain fog and

significant weakness in all four limbs. i saw every specialist under the sun

and they kept coming back with nothing. “all of your labs and tests are normal.”

things kept getting worse. i could barely hold my arms up to brush my hair.

which i’ve lost close to half of. i woke up every morning tired and with a racing

heart, walking around the house was exhausting and being out in the heat

would have me close to passing out in just a few minutes. i kept going to rodeos

bc being in pain with my horse was better than being in pain at home. Jaclyn

 and Jordan saved me time after time. they bent over backwards to do almost everything for me, did all the driving and took care of marley so i could stay out of the heat and rest. i owe them the world. all i had to do was get on my horse and hang on. and by some miracle, we had a decent amount of success. and i will always be proud of fighting through for that and having such selfless help from my hauling buddies and a horse that just did her job and took care of me. 

through all of this, Tim has seen the ugliest versions of me, but never wavered. my family has supported me in every way possible and my close friends have been there for the entire ride. it’s been a journey that has affected every aspect of my life. from finances to mental health to relationships. 

i finally got to go to cleveland clinic in january of this year. i thought this was it. one of the best hospitals in the nation is going to figure out what’s wrong with me. wrong. they shuffled me through appointments, did no further testing and made me feel crazier than i already felt. 

i got home and i cried. i had a pity party. i didn’t leave the couch for two days. but i had one last idea. i had been following a functional medicine/holistic practitioner on instagram for a few months and i decided to reach out. she said she would love to see me and i booked an appointment. so on 2/22/2022, almost a full year after the true hell of symptoms started, i drove ten hours to sulphur, oklahoma and met with LaKrista O'Dell at Native Wellness. she validated my symptoms and feelings, did a bunch of funky tests and diagnosed me. in one freaking visit. 


she said i’ve probably had it laying dormant for years. that the physical and emotional trauma of anesthesia, lots of dental work, surgery and also losing nathan, tim’s grandma and my dog all in a short period of time tanked my immune system and allowed the lyme to surface. and just like that, she’s got me set up with everything i need. supplements, medicine, lifestyle and diet changes, coaching. 6-8 months (hopefully) of grueling work and a lifetime of taking care of myself from here on out. will it work?? well, it has to. is this truly it?? man, i really hope so because i’m out of options, even if this miserably fails.

i’m posting this because i’m excited and it feels good to have answers and i wanted to share that with everyone. but i’m also sharing because i know there are so many people being disregarded by doctors and maybe if i share this, it will be a little motivation for you to keep fighting and advocating for yourself. you know your body. you know when something is wrong and you deserve to have answers and to get help. i know it’s easier for some. i’m a bulldog type of person so fighting was second nature for me. but regardless of how you’re hardwired, you are worthy of feeling good and you are worthy of feeling healthy." - Bailey, Client

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We do not diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. We are only sharing testimonies, how to support the body and what has worked for ourselves and our clients. 


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